RR Patil made it big in Mumbai but never really understood the city & how he capture attention to the mass? Among the many decisions that stoked a controversy during his long stint as Maharashtra’s cabinet minister and deputy chief minister was Raosaheb Ramrao Patil’s move to ban gutkha in the state in 2006. It was contested in the courts, overturned, but later upheld. What a cruel irony then that RR Patil, 57, died of oral cancer in a Mumbai hospital on Monday. In his death, the Nationalist Congress Party lost its most earthy mass leader. Laid low by the disease, Patil had all but withdrawn from public life late last year as he sought treatment from a panel of doctors in his adopted city. Not even the most aggressive line of treatment could pull him back from the brink. The Maharashtra government declared a day’s state mourning and prepared to extend full state honours at the cremation scheduled in Patil’s village of Anjanigaon. Patil, called Aaba by political colleagues and...
Biography of RR Patil ( Abba Patil)